Friday, November 3, 2017



“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin,”
Shakespeare dotes by way of a tea bag note,
steamy pour like taps after the swell of news,
paper tag reminds me of the kith of trees,
those wildfires, the dwellers who can’t tarry
over flavors of lemon and chamomile, of miles
walked to leave a certain peril.
October morning newspaper speaks of bark:
“The reality is that we are a planet endowed
with many tree species that have fragrant,
cinnamony bark, and that’s a good reason to find joy
in the world.”Aye, chai. Praise for cinnamon, blend
of cardamom seed, pepper, ginger. And for the persimmons
bough-ing o’er my yard, which, my neighbor calls to say, are ripe.

[The Washington Post quote by Tamar Haspel, October 25, 2017]