Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Community Poem

Art Show Guestbook

There’s art in the woods.
The outdoors.
My playground. My medicine.
The treatment works when the fly
shoos me.
Creative spirit may go into hiding,
but doesn’t disappear.
I took my knitting to a Quaker meeting.
An artist’s soul is in the art.
A repurposed church,
a freestanding gate.
Two random tourists
making random artist friends.
Lost River magic…
hope to be a transplant soon.
Sometimes words are home.  
Thank you for being normal.
Eating art, nourishing the soul.
Still not raining yet…
sometimes words are hard.
I want to give her the word
she’s looking for.

~ LCMH and the voices of visitors to Art on Cullers Run

This community poem was built in a poetry tent in Mathias, West Virginia. 
Thanks to all who wrote, spoke, and stopped by!