Monday, April 13, 2015

April for Whimsy

April is national poetry month, here, here! The Writers Digest offers a Poem a Day challenge with a new writing prompt every day ( I've been following these prompts, discovering there's always more to write. A certain magic ensues like pulling a rabbit from your hat you didn't know was there. Here's a sample from the prompt for a "work" poem. 

Her Shift

Evidence of cheer at Safeway this cashier,
her smile as wide as the paper goods aisle
I toured (crafty euphemism for
messes we make). “May I take
your bags?“ Fill them with your thrill
- no, not thrill, nothing that lasts until
it’s gone. Nothing temporal or done.
When she checks you out (never checking you out)
you forget this is an errand to check off your list.
You dismiss the tabloids, equanimity exists.


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